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Universidade Lusófona

FEMglocal and Porto Femme International Film Festival join forces for another year

For the third consecutive year, FEMglocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions research project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021 / DOI 10.54499/PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), collaborated with the seventh edition of the Porto Femme International Film Festival under the theme “Women and Revolution”.

From April 16th to 21st, Porto served as the backdrop for celebrating the vision of women in cinema, offering a week brimming with captivating films and inspiring conversations. The festival unfolded across various venues in Porto, including Batalha Centro de Cinema and Lusófona University - Porto, featuring discussions on pressing topics such as abortion, cinema as a catalyst for revolution, and the representation of women in indigenous cinema. At Batalha Centro de Cinema, from April 18th to 20th, participants delved into stimulating discussions expertly moderated by the FEMglocal team. Ana Sofia Pereira (FEMglocal’s post-doctoral fellow) helmed three of the talks, guiding attendees through enlightening conversations, while Diana Loureiro (master’s fellow of the FEM-ABLE research project) skillfully moderated the final session.

Simultaneously, at Lusófona University - Porto, films from the thematic competition were screened on April 19th and 20th, presenting audiences with a diverse array of female perspectives in cinema. Esteemed members of the FEMglocal team also lent their expertise as jurors across diverse categories. Vanessa Ribeiro Rodrigues was one of the judges in the National Competition, while Carla Cerqueira (FEMglocal’s PI) and Célia Taborda (FEMglocal’s Co-PI) played pivotal roles in the jury that awarded the Women’s Struggles and Rights Award.

This year’s festival remained committed to promoting the artistic contributions of non-binary individuals, women, and those identifying as women, continuing to fuel the ongoing revolution in cinema. For those unable to attend, the complete program and highlights of the Porto Femme International Film Festival are available on their social media channels and website.


  • published 02 May 2024
  • modified 06 May 2024